Saturday 20 December 2014

HAZRAT SULTAN BAHU R.A Aap na talib hain kahen de, Lokaan talib karde hoo. Chavan khepan karde sepan, Na Rab de qaihron dared hoo. Ishq majazee tilkan bazee, Pair aa valle dharde hoo. Oh sharminde hosan Baahoo, Andar roz hashae de hoo. Translation : These false prophets Were never disciples themselves, But they contrive to make disciples of others. As an act of seeming benefaction, But they swindle their disciples Of their money and belongings; They fear not the wrath of God, Crooked in their ways, they lose their footing. In the slippery game of outward love, Say Bahu: They will regret their doings on the day of judgement.....


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