Monday 5 December 2022

Those living in Baba Farid’s Khanqah also lived in a state of extreme poverty. All the dervishes in the Khanqah had been assigned different duties, such as collecting firewood from the jungle, gathering ‘peeloo’ leaves and flowers, drawing water from the well, cooking and other domestic work. Hazrat Baba Farid strictly forbade borrowing and preferred to go without food rather than incurring any debt. He said; “If a debtor died under debt, he would be ashamed before his creditor on the Day of Judgment. There is as vast a gulf between debt and contentment as it is between East and West. It is better for a dervish to die than to borrow....... From the Book of The Life and Times of Shaikh Farid-u’d-din Ganj-i-Shakar – Khaliq Ahmad Nizami ***


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