Thursday 3 June 2021

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya R.A Devotion to God is of two kinds, lazmi (intransitive) and muta'addi (transitive). In lazmi devotion the benefit which accrues is confined to the devotee alone. This type of devotion includes prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, to Mecca, recitation of religious formulae, turning over the beads of the rosary etc. the muta'addi devotion, on the contrary, brings advantage and comfort to others; it is performed by spending money on others, showing affection to people and by other means through which a man strives to help his fellow human beings. The reward of muta'addi devotion is endless and limitless...... ***Allama Iqbal visits Nizamuddin Auliya R.A his Poem from Bang-e-Dara is on our website click our website link:


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