Wednesday 9 May 2018

Qutub ul Aqtab Hazrat Khwaja Syed Muhammad Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki R.A Saying about the life of a Sufi…. A Sufi must eat very little. If he eats full-belly, he is a slave of his Nafs. He must eat only to retain sufficient vitality to enable him to keep his body and soul together, so that he may be able to perform his devotional duties conveniently and successfully. A Sufi's dress must be very simple, free of all pomp and show. If he wears his dress for the sake of show, he is a dacoit in the path of renunciation. A Sufi must talk and sleep as little as possible to avoid all sorts of worthless worldly entanglements. Hazrat Bayazid Bastami strived unsuccessfully in the devotion of God for 70 years at a stretch in order to get 'nearness to God'. He, however, succeeded in attaining this 'nearness-to-God' only when he threw away even his last earthen bowl (aabkhara) in which he used to drink water and his only leather 'khirqa' (cloak) in order to complete his renouncement of the world, thus depending absolutely upon, and surrendering himself completely to, the will, pleasure and mercy of God.


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