Monday 20 March 2017

Sufi Story by Sheikh Muzaffer R.A Sheikh Uftade had just recovered from an illness. It was winter, and the water was too cold for him to use in his ablution when he got up for his early morning prayer, so his disciple, Hùdai, always got up before his master and warmed some water for him over the fire. One frosty morning Hùdai noticed that his master was already awake. He jumped up with a cry of dismay, hastily grabbed the pitcher of water, and held it tight against his breast. The sheikh rolled up his sleeves and held his arms over the basin, but the water that poured from the pitcher scalded his hand. Staring in amazement at his beloved disciple, he said, “Hùdai, where did you boil this?” Hùdai replied, “On the fire of the heart, my sheikh......”


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