Tuesday 31 January 2017

Short Sufi Story... A sultan was riding through the country surrounded by courtiers and soldiers. Everybody bowed as the sultan passed, except for a single dervish. The sultan halted his procession and had the dervish brought to him. He demanded to know why the man did not bow to him. The dervish replied. “Let all these people bow to you. They all want what you have-money, power, rank. Thank God these things mean nothing to me.” Then he added. “Furthermore, a free man should not bow down to a slave.” “What do you mean?” the sultan cried. “You are a slave to anger and greed,” the dervish said calmly, looking the sultan full in the face. “I have made them my servants and become a free man.” Recognizing the truth of what he heard, the sultan bowed to the dervish.......

via TheSufi.com http://ift.tt/2kQrDKN

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