Saturday 19 November 2016

Hazrat Abu Bakr prayed at night and used to recite the Quran in a low voice, whereas Hazrat Umar used to recite in a loud voice. Prophet S.A.W asked Abu Bakr why he did this. Abu Bakr replied: “He with whom I converse will hear.” Umar, in his turn, replied: “I wake the drowsy and drive away the Devil”. Abu Bakr gave a token of contemplation, the other of purification. Now purification, compared with contemplation, is like a drop of water in a sea, and for this reason the Apostle said that ‘Umar, the glory of Islam, was only (equivalent to) a single one of the good deeds of Abu Bakr (hal anta ilia hasanat min hasanati Abi Bakr). - Narrative from Kashf Majoob by Data Sahib Hazrat Ali Hujvairi. Download complete Sufism eBooks in PDF format at


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