Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Hazrat Rumi R.A When the soul knows peace the heart can sleep........ *** "The world and what is in it" translation by our dear friend Wazir Dayers, with his permission and love click our website link:


Saturday, 11 June 2022

Hazrat Baba Farid Uddin Masood Ganj Shakar R.A Farid, the death drum has sounded and the lord of death is advancing to capture your life and to demolish the fort of your body. The fort has fallen, the castle has been plundered, and wailing fills the air; different are the ways of the living, but this alone is the way of the dead........ ***Dum Dum Karo Farid – Kalam Baba Farid – Wadali Brothers click our website link:


Why Hazrat Usman didn't say a word at his khutba? – Sufi Story from Maulan Rumi's Fihi Ma Fihi When Hazrat Usman became the 3rd Caliph and sat on the minbar, the audience was awaiting his speech. Therefore, it seems unusual when he nodded to the audience to keep quiet. Following that, he remained quiet and started glancing at the audience with absolute and sheer quietness. It was a glance of a wise, shy and generous Sahabi, and his audiences felt a state of ecstasy and self-isolation. They were transported into a state of self-scrutiny and self-reflection and found answers to the questions they were looking for, without an actual conversation. Hazrat Usman continued such until the end of the session, when he left the minbar and stated just one sentence: Inna Lakum Imam Fa'ala Khair Lakum Min Imam Aqwaal "Verily, an Imam that actually does things (amal) is better than one who merely talks the talk" #sufistory
