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Sunday, 4 July 2021
Hazrat Rohal Fakir R.A Peepar mein parmeshwar, baboor mein ko byo? Nivdat kareen thain nim ji, kadhon ke kayo? Mandar een maseet mein, roshan hik diyo Islam chain Allah kayo, kufr kain kayo? Rohal kain vidho khalal machi hin khalak mein? Translation: If God is in the peepal, in babool is there someone else? You worship the neem, but who made the kandho? The temple and the masjid, are lit by one lamp. Believers say Allah is the creator, then who made the heretics? Rohal asks, who caused this fight to erupt in this world?
This blog is a simple attempt to share our knowledge of Sufism. This is a supplementary section of the website, Its purpose is to discuss the different topics and share knowledge via forums and polls. WK
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