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Sunday, 14 January 2018
Hazrat Waris Shah R.A Maddah peer di hubb de naal keeje, jeende khadimaan vich peeriyaan ni… baajh es janaab de paar nahi, lakh dhoonde phiran fakeeriyaan ni.. jehde peer de nazar manzoor hoye, ghar tinha de peeriyaan meeriyaan ni.. roz hashar de peer de talibaan nu, hath sajjrhe milan giyaan cheeriyaan ni.. Translation: Praise the Pir with love, in whose service lies the spirituality.. Without His Majesty there is no success, may you search a lot for reclusion.. Those who are accepted by the sight of the Pir, will achieve powers and spirituality…
This blog is a simple attempt to share our knowledge of Sufism. This is a supplementary section of the website, Its purpose is to discuss the different topics and share knowledge via forums and polls. WK
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