Nami Danam che manzil bood is one of the finest couplets of Hazrat Amir Khusrow, which describes a divine conference of lovers, presided by God himself, with Prophet Muhammad being the Shamah (Lamp) of this Mehfil (spirtual gathering). The masnavi is persian is below, which is one of the best in terms of colourful imagery:

The translation is:
I wonder what was the place where I was last night,
All around me were half-slaughtered victims of love,
tossing about in agony.
There was a nymph-like beloved with cypress-like form
and tulip-like face,
Ruthlessly playing havoc with the hearts of the lovers.
God himself was the master of ceremonies in that heavenly court,
oh Khusrau, where (the face of) the Prophet too was shedding light
like a candle.
(Tranlation courtesy of Mr. Yousuf Saeed)
Nami Danam performed by Sabri brothers is available at . Also visit to listen to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's version.
It is narrated that once Hazrat Amir Khusro claimed about Balaghal Ula Be Kamalehi, the most famous Na'at couplets by Shaykh Saa'di in glory of Prophet SAW, that he can create better verse than these.
Hazrat Amir Khusro had a dream later on in which he saw the Prophet SAW's blessed gathering and Shaykh Saa'di reciting the verses in presence of the Prophet. Hazrat Amir Khusro apologised for his earlier thought and accepted Shaykh Saa'di simple verses of eulogy as unmatchable.
Balaghal Ula Be Kamalehi, performed by Sabri brothers again is available at